How do I sync?

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To sync a book, you must first enable syncing in the app.

1. Open the app and login
2. Go to Account
3. Enable sync.

Once you have enabled sync on your device(s), you can go ahead and sync the books you want.

Tap on the book you want to sync in your ReadMe! library and then on "Start syncing this book" at the top of the screen. You only need to do this once for any book you want to sync, it will stay synced until you delete it. It will also show up under "My Library" on the ReadMe! website once you're logged in there.

The reason we made it this way was because many users complained that when all their books got synced automatically once they enabled sync, it ate up all their mobile data. So now you have to manually select which books should get synced.


If you want to see how sync works in action, please have a look at the sync demo video on our website.

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